'Am I Racist' Hits Box Office Hard While Hollywood Turns Up Nose
A 99% score can earn you a fascinating "ignore" from Hollywood's biggest reviewers, but we know why this curious lack of attention is happening. And we aren't deterred.
A 99% score can earn you a fascinating "ignore" from Hollywood's biggest reviewers, but we know why this curious lack of attention is happening. And we aren't deterred.
Below is both an interview with screenwriter Lee Blaylock, as well as a brief segway into where Lawhead came from, and some of the art he has inspired through the years with his “story worlds,” including incredible music by Jeff Johnson!
From "Assassination Attempt," to "Mr. Joe," to "That Debate," to "The News," to "Fat"... Jesse Welles has been breaking down walls, no matter who's side you think you're on.