We have followed numerous rumours regarding relations between the Daily Wire and Brett Cooper, but have found them mostly unconvincing or without evidence nor relevance. However, the narrative that Brett Cooper is a star and deserves to make her own way with her own show is a safe bet to make.
Brett did not descend into mud-slinging and unclassy behavior and I think this goes to her credit because many of her fans are not as saint-like, and it shows. They make accusations while having little evidence to hate the Daily Wire. So, this attempt to lower others is not worthy of our attention, lest we lower ourselves by doing it.
Additionally the idea that her acting roles for the DW will (somehow) no longer be used in DW shows or films simply because she left her show, is not a possible scenario. Actors give the rights to their performance and likeness when they sign up for these jobs. And these performances during production phase have already occurred some time ago, namely on The Pendragon Cycle series and on Snow White & The Evil Queen movie.
In short, she gets paid for that work, and now she can move on to new projects. And that's exactly what's happening.
So, no they will not "stop producing" a different show that costs many millions of dollars just because an actress left another show at some point later in the future. It's silly to even think that's a possibility. But people REALLY say these kinds of silly things.
Nevertheless, as stated, her future career excites me, and I've never felt any ill-will to Brett, even though the speculators and rumor-mill-runners aren't too smart.
So, when I heard that her new channel (which I had already subscribed to) dropped a trailer showing that she was returning with a new show, The Brett Cooper Show, I was excited.
Here it is.
I also saw Brett on Fox News last night, discussing Gen Z's and how the Republican Party has changed, leaning more towards young people, since Trump. That's exciting, but more than that, it showed her name on the Chiron as coming from The Brett Cooper Show. So now they are seemingly helping to promote her new show there.
Fox isn't always the best. Pretty establishment media. Nevertheless, I hope this is gonna be great...
You can watch the new Brett Cooper Show here!
Yes, she still has the Ben Shapiro-style ads in the middle of her show. In this case it's Good Ranchers and Peterson Academy. That kinda bothered me, because it shows that the Daily Wire's style kinda rubbed off on her operation to such a degree that even the most cringeworthy elements of her previous Comments Section show might remain with her.
About the content of her show, it's not a bold move to forgive many of these people because these are matters of justice and the law, not just hurt feelings. People aren't required to like people like Cummings or Bud Light, either. And past actions are indicative of future realities.
I admire her forgiveness for others. That is a character quality that many lack today. But, I also disagree with her take here. Zuck did as he was told, not in following the feds but in following the censorious culture around him, and he is only doing the same "following" with a new cultural reality that's been coming down the pike from before Trump was even re-elected. Yes, many could see it coming.
Sorry, but I'll have to disagree with her on this. Zuck harmed far too many people for me to be taken in by his "charms"... whatever those are. And I recommend also not thinking that "just following orders" makes someone immune to being criticized in the court of public opinion. Frankly it should be a real court and he should be a real inmate... not a mate.
What did you think of Brett Cooper's new show? Do you feel that it is different enough and fun enough to hold your attention into the future? What do you think about her leaving the DW, and did she do the right thing? Let us know down below (with sub) or on our social media!
After Leaving DW, Brett Cooper Starring In New 'The Brett Cooper Show' Starting Today https://t.co/oj5G83O2zR
— Media Moses (@themediamoses) February 1, 2025