"The Axiom Chronicles" Scratches the Kid's Sci-fi Animation Itch, With Satisfying Verve
A new animated show, The Axiom Chronicles, is being developed at Angel Studios, by creators Shawn Gourley, Dillon Wheelock, Luke Bolin & Coban Rudish. As animation goes, these development processes take years to get going, and this has been no exception. But for me, the results speak for themselves. Their artwork is bar-none, some of the best I’ve seen in years.
Recently, Gabriel & The Guardians has also been announced and has begun fundraising to great success. I really appreciate their anime-style and characterizations, and I like the world-building they are constructing, as a fantasy show. But my deep heart-desire is great sci-fi that speaks about a deep inner need of mankind to find God. That’s just me. So, maybe this gives me a soft spot for these guys and their work, as seen here.
My favorite films are ones like Blade Runner, 2001, Fifth Element, Dune, Matrix, and the once-great Star Wars. Star Wars got me into fantasy more, and then I got to read CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy (aka The Ransom Trilogy) and I appreciated the Chronicles of Narnia more and got to read The Lord of the Rings and part of the Dune book series. So, my two great genre loves became sci-fi and fantasy and every now and then I like when these two veer into classic western, drama, and action/adventure. Within these genres are a rekindling of the fairy tale and myth that all great stories are interwoven within.
Considering the great work already put forward, I trust that these two Angel Studios kids animations (Axiom & Gabriel) will not just be good sources of teaching and inspiration for my kids, but even for myself.
Keep visiting their YouTube channel & Angel.com/Axiom to get updates on how this show is progressing forward, and keep supporting the shows that are now becoming popular on Angel, such as Wingfeather, Tuttle Twins, and the upcoming David!
Wow! What an exciting time to be witnessing and reporting on great uncompromising culturally conservative stories, media, and art!
Here is the Angel Studios Livestream just released last night, which has the complete team, has their story of how they started working on the Axiom Chronicles, and it shows more of their work!
Again, support them here at Angel.com/Axiom to contribute, and to get updates on this particular project at Angel!
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