Pendragon Cycle Week 12: Battle Sequences & More
The epic tale of King Arthur takes an even more mythical turn in the hands of a conservative team of filmmakers. Boering, Whitaker, Sonnier, and others all appear to be bringing us an authentic, gritty, and passionate telling of this oft-ignored book genre: Christian mythopoeia (outside of Tolkien & Lewis, that is).
But what of the authentic action sequences and the kinds of conflicts we are going to be recreating? Will The Daily Wire be able to compete with Hollywood's work, especially when dealing with such a difficult (sword & sandal) genre?
The short answer must be "no," but this is just my realistic mind telling me to be reasonable and wise. From what we've actually been watching here in these production diaries, it appears as though DW is fully capable to answer the call to quality... even to the level of Hollywood craftsmanship. After all, DW does appear to be utilizing these same professional craftsmen that Hollywood, likewise, employs.
Knowing that Europe employs some of the most professional crews in the film world is comforting as well. Budapest, Hungary is no exception to this, as we are seeing in this particular video diary.
One of the beautiful things for me is seeing Boreing respect the true-to-life Christian elements of these stories, as well, instead of just relying upon the fun or fantastical parts. This is a story with a message, a historical, foundational message of Christianity in the farthest reaches of Imperial Roman influence, and how Rome's collapse contributed to the spread of Christianity, filling in the empty pagan hearts of once-lost men.
These storytelling efforts can costs millions of dollars, but as we can clearly see by the legacy of Arthur, their influence can last generations.
Did you enjoy this article on DW's upcoming Pendragon Cycle? Are you a fan or a reader of mythopoeia, such as Pendragon, Narnia, or Lord of the Rings? Comment down below (with subscription) or on our social media!