These two guys get to sit and reminisce on Walsh's career, what got him here, and what meaning the 'Am I Racist' film is supposed to have in our country.
It's a great conversation and new additional clips from the film get shared. My favorite clip is an extended scene from the racist dinner portion, in which black and brown ladies get to openly humiliate and mock about 10 fawning white women who are eager to be scolded about how racist and terrible they are. Then Matt comes in.
It's quite a clip.
Watch the entire interview here.
Here is the trailer for the film.
How has this happened to women? But even worse, how has our country believed the audacious claim (by American academics & Marxists) that every white person is racist? It's not even a logical claim. Racism is a belief system made up of various thoughts (not very smart thoughts, mind you) that cannot be rationally disposed with if we are to understand the contents of racist thought. These thoughts must be reckoned with and understood for what they are before we can rightly call these ideas "racist," by definition.
Yet the only possible way that all white people could be racists is for them to all uniformly have the same kind & quality of thoughts. In other words you'd have to believe that ALL white people are either extremely dumb, or evil. ALL white people. And to believe that all white people are bad in this way, you'd have to be racist against white people.
It is a snake eating it's own tail. It's self-refuting, and it calls into question any other claims you might make about race or how these issues should be analyzed or assessed. Namely, you have become a biased judge.
Not to mention there is NO body of evidence that can support such a claim. Not a single legitimate bit of research that can rightly make this claim using any sort of useful or rational evidence.
Some of these idiots say that white people just hide the evidence REALLY WELL. So, are we supposed to just take your word on this? Well, it appears that many college-degreed liberals do just that.
But why believe these claims, if you're in college, or have academic applauds? That may actually be the problem.
Supposedly these are legitimate theories being made by ACADEMIC scholars. This may describe to you the current quality of our academics in America. It's why I dropped out of school. I challenged my professors and got bad grades for it. One example of this is when I wrote my final paper on Modern Philosophy using the claim that modern philosophers are "only seeking for a new Christ" to come comfort them about their eventual death. I cited many evidences for this in Nietzsche and others. The professor said I clearly didn't do my reading, and gave me a 'D.' This happened in numerous classes, including a Composition class that wanted students to write about sexual experiences. I wrote poetry instead, and I got a bad grade for it.
This kind of 'education' can only be detrimental to a person's future and, for me, a tech school degree would've done far more good. Similarly, when our kids attend such institutions that teach them racist theories, they ought to be laughed out of their jobs. But they are continually rewarded instead.
Speaking of bad education, Jordan Peterson has also interviewed Matt Walsh as of the moment I have written this article, and he also goes into this discussion of the moment, of "racism and anti-racism in America" here.
The film is coming to theaters on September 13th all around the country! That's right it is a wide release! You can go to to order tickets.

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